Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Jack 'o Lantern Soap

So I procrastinate a bit, and I am lousy at blogging. The punkins (yes, I know that's not how it's spelled) were done last week, but I didn't get pictures. Or write a post. And then I got a mild case of the flu (over a weekend)! So here it is finally.

Glow in the dark jack-o-lantern soap (sans glow):

With glow (after 25 minutes under a fluorescent bulb, 'daylight' photo tent bulb didn't make an impression either):

The brightly glowing blobs in the background? Unmolded glow soap (left) and the raw powder (right) which soaks up even the tiniest bit of light. The eyes and mouth were glowing the following day after unmolding, now.....I got nothing (ok - maybe a tiny, tiny glow).

Mold is one of Brambleberry's Heavy-Duty line. Glow powder and neon orange from TKB. I am sure the glow issue is due to some freakish combo of the color and powder since the "raw" soap is glowing and it wasn't even under direct light.

A word of advice on the neon color: if you think "it just isn't bright enough", Stop. Back away from the bottle and the soap. Look at something pastel for a moment. Then turn back to the soap and reevaluate. It's called 'Eye Poke Orange' for a reason.

1 comment:

Anne-Marie said...

Yay! I LOVE your "punkins". They turned out great!